Dancing Till the Cows Come Home (2007)

Music for Contemporary Dance with Live Video Projection

Dance Title: Grow/Move/Change
Dancers: Molly Burkett, Ashley Jones, Kelly McCormick, Ploy Preugpaibul, Dustin Stephan, Noah Trulock, Lauren Weber, Allison Zobel
Camera: Maureen Maryanski
Costumes: Amy Burrell
Duration: 11'06"

The computer music soundtrack was composed using many eclectic sound sources from the real world that may at once seem familiar to the listener. The interactive video projection, which processes and manipulates the live images of the dancers (being shot from the theater catwalks), uses a software package designed specifically for dance called Isadora. The video processing itself is controlled by signals sent from the software playing the music and is therefore often linked rhythmically. In addition, the movement of the dancers, such as their speed or position on the stage effects the video processing.